PV Ward
Palm Valley Ward Sacrament meeting
12 PM, Each Sunday
Use this link to register each week
URL: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_u-o_uxFnT6mbihY5uuyqJg
Please contact the Bishopric for additional information.
We invite and encourage all members using smart phones or tablets to download the Gosple Living app. This is a valuable resource for ward communication, and also content for daily spirituality and personal goal setting.
The Gosple Living app can be downloaded from either the Apple App Store for Apple devices, or the Google Play Store for Android devices. Once downloaded, please enable notifications to ensure seamless communication through the app.
Please reach out to your organization leader, ward clerk, or a member of the bishopric for any needed support with setting-up the application.
Additional informaiton and instructrions can be found on the Church web site.
EQ Presidency Touchpoint
Second and Fourth Thursday of each month at 6:00 PM MST
Location adjusts each week, see EQ President for details
Zoom information
URL: https://zoom.us/j/96447714502?pwd=WFBNcmpIQW5OaXllUVp4UTk0Vllkdz09
Password (if needed): palmvalley
Phone Number: +1 669 900 6833
Meeting ID (if needed): 964 4771 4502
Phone Passcode (if needed): 4309335634
Please contact the Elders Quorum President for additional information.